Friday, February 24, 2012

Custom Code for a Parameter

I'm using a GAC-installed assembly as part of a Reporting Services

(2005) report. The code does not need any permissions beyond execution.

All it does it take today's date and calculate last week's start and

end date. It's all just datetime manipulations. All methods are static.


the VS2005 report designer, I can do everything fine. The code runs as

expected and defaults the parameters to the right date.

When I

upload the rdl to the Report Server, I get the message "Error during

processing of ‘Start’ report parameter.

(rsReportParameterProcessingError) ". If I override the "Start"

parameter, it doesn't give me that error anymore. Start should be the

Sunday of the previous week.

I have deployed the signed assembly to the GAC on the report server as well as the bin folder for reporting services. Because it doesn't need anything beyond execution, I shouldn't have to modify any config files, right? I have already restarted IIS & the Reporting Services service.

What am I missing?

You need to mark the assembly with AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute.Once you deploy it to PrivateAssemblies folder (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies) you should be able to hit F5 to debug it with the Report Host and see if something else is erroring out.

|||That was it. :) Attaching the attribute solved the problem!|||


I defined an input parameter with the default value of ("Input_From_Year") and use it in the query as @.fromYear. When I go to Preview I see the result fine, but when I say Debug-> Start I see the following error in the internet explorer. Error during processing of 'fromYear' report parameter. (rsReportParameterProcessingError),but If I remove @.fromYear in the query, internet explorer works fine. What is problem?


|||Not quite sure what you mean by Debug->Start and IE and what your setup is but if this works in the Report Designer but it doesn't work on the server (or under the Report Host), most likely it's a security issue. If your custom assembly requires more that just Execution trust you need to elevate its rights as shown in this article.|||

I means the report can works in the report designer,but it doesn't work on the server after i deployed it to the server.deploy successfully,why does it give me the message that is Error during processing of 'fromYear' report parameter.(rsReportParameterProcessingError),I am not sure whether it's a security issue,but I check my custom assemblies,it is fullturst.

and any other reasons more?


Hi Jason,

even I am facing same problem, where I am also getting same error called "error during processing of 'Validate' parameter."

did you got any solution.

If yes please share the solution with me.

thanks in advance,

Ramesh KS



Am facing the same problem. Did any one got the solution, please do share.




Would I have this same issue trying to use System.DirectoryServices?


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