Saturday, February 25, 2012

Custom Data Extension to SQL Server

Where I work we have custom code to retrieve the connection string. Theprogrammer provides a role and a mode and a connection object isretured. I need similar functionality from Reporting Services and I'mnot sure where to start. I was thinking of passing the role and mode inas username and password under credentials and being able to use thisas my connection to get data for reports. Any help in solving thisproblem would be greatly appreciated.

SQL Server Reporting services is part of SQL Server so you can create roles either with stored procedure or under permissions in Enterprise manager. Hope this helps.

Kind regards,

Gift Peddie

|||Sorry but you did not understand my post. Please read before replying.As I said we have custom code that we pass a role and mode to that willgive us the CONNECTIONSTRING.

Sorry maybe the link below could help.

Kind regards,

Gift Peddie

|||I have figured it out and that link doesn't relate to the problem.
I figured out how to do a custom data extension but I am getting astack overflow exception when I try using the extension. I am alsogetting a SecurityPermission exception when I try calling a functionthat uses interop code. So anyone with any ideas to either of theseproblems would be appreciated.

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