Saturday, February 25, 2012

Custom connection manager development sample?

Does anyone has code/sample/tutorial/pointer to developing custom connection manager with a custom UI. And then developing a custom task with a custom UI that can point to this custom connection manager... and passing values during runtime from UI to the custom class.

NiteshThe first updated Web release of BOL will contain one sample that works with SQL Server and simply asks for server name...a kind of "Hello World" version of what you're asking for.

The second Web release next spring will contain a second sample, a replacement Excel connection manager that includes a checkbox for Import Mode to resolve the common "mixed data types" issue.

The code is too long to post in the forum, but if you'll provide an email address, I can send you one or both.

It's pleasantly simple, relatively speaking, the the UI methods are almost identical from task to data flow component to connection manager, so what you learn will also be portable.

-Doug|||Okay, I see that you have provided an email address. I'll send them along.|||Hi DouglasL,
Can you also send me those samples? I am looking for ways to develop a custom connection manager in SSIS and the samples you mention would be extremely helpful. Please use my email address without the .(dontspamme) at the end.


Doug, will you please send me the sample as well? My email is svandekrol [at] taic [dot] net



Hi, Doug

I'm also trying to create a custom connection manager, so a sample would be really helpful.

Could you please send to: tminorway [at] hotmail [dot] com ?





I'm interested in the code, too... Just because the Excel import is sometimes a real pain... Perhaps you ask some of your collegues with blogs to post it there or maybe I can do that for you...

|||Hi Doug:

Thanks for your reply to my other question regarding "setting the data source of data flow from external app". I am also very interested in knowing how to do the custom connection manager, could you please send me a copy of the sample too? My email address is mding1 [at] hotmail [dot] com.

Ming|||Hi Doug,

I'm interested in the sample code, too. We plan to develop some custom connections.

Thanks in advance.


My apologies to all whose requests I've overlooked...I've been having trouble with the Alerts from the forums. I will send samples today.



Can you send me the samples too ?

Mailto : peter.ang[at]


I would also like these.

Thank You


I will also Like have a look At the Code.

There is a sample also Provided at

Please any one Zip the code and mail at




Hi Doug,

The sample contains a Sample Ado source. How would i call a custom editor instead of Advanced Editor. Can you point me any help on that.




I assume you mean a custom UI for the component not connection. You follow a similar pattern to tasks, but inherit from IDtsComponentUI Interface.

Developing a User Interface for Components

A sample is available from here, Ch 14 & 15 - Wrox::Professional SQL Server 2005 Integration Services:Book Information and Code Download

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