Thursday, March 22, 2012

custom view according to date

I want to add custom view so that it show the records that their date
is less than a specific field like "2007/12/25". Dates are saved in DB like "2006/08/29 12:00:00 A.M" nad
smalldatetime format in MSSQL.
what should I do?

The easiest way to achieve that using SQL statement.

Did you try it?


I did it but It has no results.could you pu the sql query code here



Whatever you are binding the field to, probably has a DataFormatString property, and a HtmlEncode property. Set the DataFormatString property to {0:d} and set the HtmlEncode property to false and see if that is what you are looking for. If that isn't it (Which uses whatever format you have set in your control panel's short date format), you can force it to a specific format by setting the DataFormatString to {0:yyyy/MM/dd}

PS. Please read up on data types. The database can not both store dates like "2006/01/01 12:00:00 PM" and also store them in a smalldatetime. It's one or the other. If it's storing them into a smalldatetime, then it's stored as a smalldatetime which is not a string format. If you are storing them as a varchar/char/nchar in YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS format, then they aren't stored as a smalldatetime.


If you write VB.NET you have two DateDiff functions to use. Try the links below for details. Hope this helps.

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